Timestamp Settings:
Always be prepared!

You can add timestamps to your backup job filename and define file purge settings from the Timestamp Settings window, you can reach this window by pressing the "Timestamp Settings" button in the "Backup Job" step (first step) of Normal Backup layout.

This dialog will allow you to include date and/or time in the backup file name. With this feature you can keep track of when your backup jobs were created as well as prevent the accidental overwriting of previous backup jobs in case the default backup job name was chosen.

The Timestamp settings are:

1) Attach timestamp to backup filename
    Specifies whether you wish to add a timestamp to your backup job filename.

2) Timestamp Format
     Choose which date/time format to use in timestamp (mm/dd/yy ... etc)

3) File Purge Settings
    To prevent backup jobs from accumulating and taking up too much space when using timestamps, you can choose to purge old backup files according to number of backups or by time passed since the backup job was created. This is most helpful when scheduling backup jobs.

Keep old versions (don't delete any backups)
Does not delete previously created backup jobs, Warning: this will allow backup files to accumulate and eat up your space if left unattended for a long period ot time.

Keep only last (x) versions
This will purge old backup files according to the number of carried out backups, always keeping only the most recent (x) backup files.

If for instance X was set to 5, then Genie Outlook Backup will perform the backup task 5 times, each time saving under a different file with a unique timestamp, then on the sixth backup it will replace the first created file, on the 7th it will replace the 2nd file ... and so on.

Keep old versions for a period of (x) days
This will purge old backup files according to time passed since they were created. With this checkbox selected Genie Outlook Backup will keep only backup files created in the last (x) days.





Built in Monday, June 24,2003